Monday, March 5, 2018

My almost first year of teaching...

I am sitting here as my two sons play in the local arcade, writing in between keeping track of them. My life right now is not how I imagined it a year ago. I should be teaching science instead of keeping my children entertained.

I love being with my children, but after working my behind to become a teacher and being in the classroom for six months to all of a sudden doing nothing with it, feels like I have failed in a way.

I had to leave my first teaching assignment due to my husband's job transfer to another state. This has led me to take care of my boys full time at least until the younger boy is in school.

This move was good for our family. My husband has an even better position with more money. Iam so proud of him and thankful for the extra income. This has allowed us to purchase a home for our family, something we could not do before. We are closer to family from my husband's side and my side. We moved from the desert to the wooded mountains and now my boys are outside much more than ever before.

I am a good teacher and I would never leave my students in the middle of the year. Iam more professional and care more about the kids than to do something like that, which is why it kills me. I can't be perfect, I know, and I know the classes will be fine without me. I just hope I did some good in the little time I had as their science teacher.

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