Teaching Philosophy

" Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." - Benjamin Franklin

As a student, most of my years in school were spent listening to lectures and memorizing information that was given to me. This method of learning was incredibly disappointing. After receiving my Bachelor of Science degree in psychology I realized I never had an opportunity to do anything with the information I received. I had no idea what I had actually learned. My post-bacc teacher education program added to my previous education and actually allowed me to use what I knew to practice my teaching skills. I was finally learning how to do something and start a career that I love.

This is the kind of experience I want for my students. I want to give them as many experiences as I can to actually use what they learn in practical ways. I do not want them to memorize facts and do worksheets every day. They will be working together to solve problems and use the information I give them to accomplish their goals. I want my students to leave my class excited to continue learning and to be able use what they learn to solve everyday problems.

Why Biology? Why Science?

I teach what I enjoy learning about. My entire life has been spent studying plants and their healing power alongside my dad. My dad is the one person who has helped me and encouraged me to study and use what I learn. He has passed his knowledge to me and together we make a healing salve made out of plants.

Science to me is the most interesting subject and has numerous applications. I hope to inspire students to question and test the world around them; discover something new; make the world a better place.

Our latest batch of salve:

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