Thursday, December 3, 2015

Mrs. Jones Science

Hello Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to my website! I would like to share with you some information about how I teach your children about science and ways you can help them out at home. In my classroom I have students learn as much as possible by doing hands-on activities. The students are more engaged in learning when doing activities and they also retain the information better than if I was lecturing to them all the time (Sulaiman, Abdurahman, & Rahim, 2010). I also use inquiry or guided inquiry which allows the students to ask questions and solve problems in their own way. The students get to use what they learn in class to solve real world problems (Banchi & Bell, 2008).  


Scientific vocabulary can be difficult for students to learn. I use strategies in my classroom to teach vocabulary that will work for all students; even those who are learning the English language. One way I do this is by talking to the students about the activities they are doing and I use the vocabulary the students are learning. This helps them to connect the vocabulary in meaningful ways (Carrier, 2011). You can do this at home by asking your child about what they did in class that day. I also use pictures and graphic organizers to help students make connections to the vocabulary.  

Here is a link to the PowerPoint presentations I use to introduce vocabulary:

Computer Games

It is not always possible to do hands-on activities in the classroom due to safety concerns or other reasons. That is when technology comes in handy to give students experiences they cannot get in the classroom. Educators are finding that students are motivated to learn and are retaining more information when they use video games to learn about science (Holmes, 2012) (Liu, Olmanson, Horton, & Toprac, 2011). One interactive online game I have used with my students is from The students get to build their own biome and learn about the plants and animals that inhabit the area.

You can go to my learning resources link to check out the game and others that I use to help your child learn:

Please leave a question or comment if you would like more information!


Banchi, Heather & Bell, Randi. (2008). The Many Levels of Inquiry. Science and Children. Oct. 2008. 26-29.

Carrier, Sarah J.  (2011). Effective Strategies for Teaching Science Vocabulary. Retrieved from

Holmes, Venita. (2012). New Digital Energy Game, the Use of Games to Influence Attitudes, Interests, and    Student Achievement in Science. Retrieved from

   Liu, M., Olmanson, J., Horton, L., &Toprac, P. (2011). Motivational Multimedia: Examining Students' Learning and Motivation as They Use a Multimedia Enriched Learning Environment. Retrieved from

   Sulaimana, T., Abdurahman, A.R., & Rahim, S. S.A. (2010). Teaching Strategies Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory among Science and Mathematics Secondary School Teachers. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 8. 2010. 512-518.

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